Inspection application


Checking and registering. In 'rule country' the Netherlands we are good at it. We register all over the place. In many cases, paper forms are still used for inspections. This can be a lot faster and more practical. BTTR builds you an inspection application.

Digital working and recording

Do you remember the "old-fashioned" carbonless paper? By writing on the top sheet of paper, print-throughs are made for the forms below. That way multiple parties have proof of inspection after an inspection. Quite handy of course, but often such forms must also be recorded digitally. Double work, in other words. It is also questionable whether the handwriting on the paper can be read. What comment is scribbled there?

None of that happens to you with an inspection application. In this custom-built application for the tablet, desktop or smartphone, you record data digitally. Where necessary, you also take photos that provide insight into a situation on site. You can also link the inspection application with CRM software or other systems, from which you can import customer data. That's very practical.

Never forget an inspection again

BTTR builds a custom inspection app for you. We can incorporate all your wishes into the app, from photos per category and checklists, to adding comments and digital signatures. It saves you a lot of time, because immediately after completing an inspection you can send the signed form in your house style to the parties involved.

Besides saving time, an inspection application provides other benefits. Consider the appearance of your company, for example. With an inspection app, you put an end to paperwork, which is good for the environment. Also, of course, a mobile application looks a lot more professional. It shows that you have a progressive company.

Give customers real-time visibility into inspections

With an inspection application, you have the ability to give your customers real-time insight into inspections. Because all data is entered directly into the application, both parties have direct access to this data. This is how you create transparency of your organization. Inspection forms, audits and other data, all easily viewable with the application on tablet, desktop or smartphone.

+31 318 760 960