Internet of things

Content platform

Objects connected to the Internet. At BTTR, we develop smart digital platforms for Internet of Things. We make sure your product is connected to the Internet and can send data when needed.

Internet of things is everywhere

Many people don't realize it, but Internet of Things is all around us. The Fitbit, Google Glass, as well as the smart energy meter and even an app that lets you instantly see where a free parking space is. More and more objects are communicating with the Internet.

Go for the ultimate in product improvement

We make your product even better by letting it communicate with the Internet. For example, do you have a device that needs refilling? Then we will make sure that you are notified when it is time to refill it. Does your product need maintenance? With Internet of Things, your product can diagnose itself and maintenance becomes a lot more efficient. Technical failures can also be easily passed on to the technical service. This way you offer an extra service to your customers.

Map data

To make the best use of the data being collected, we can provide a link to your current CRM system. This way, all information is passed on and every employee is aware of the current situation of a specific customer.

+31 318 760 960