Data-driven marketing

This is what I want

Data-driven marketing can help your business grow. Working in a data-driven way creates many benefits and opportunities. Data can be used to get a better picture of your (potential) customers and respond accordingly. At BTTR, we believe it is important to always make informed decisions within marketing activities. We do this by collecting and monitoring relevant data.

Why data-driven marketing is interesting

Data-driven marketing is interesting for any business. Do you want to grow your business? Then it is important to have a good idea of who your (potential) customers are and how you can reach them. A few important advantages of data-driven marketing in a row:

Be more responsive to your customers

With insight into relevant data, you can better respond to your (potential) customers. In data-driven marketing, we collect data about your website visitors such as: 

  • Where do these visitors come from, 
  • What devices do they use, 
  • how long they spend on the website, 
  • what pages they find interesting, etc. 


With this knowledge, we can better reach (potential) customers because we know where to find them and what interests they have. 

Predicting the future with data

By analyzing which actions your (potential) customers perform over a longer period of time, it is possible to make predictions for the future. For example, you can adjust content according to interests and predict which content your (potential) customers find most interesting. By responding to this, they will be more likely to take action. Whether this is subscribing to a newsletter, making a purchase or filling out a contact form. 

Substantiate decisions

Sometimes very nice marketing activities are devised and later turn out not to work. It may have been a nice marketing activity, but perhaps the target audience was not present at all on the channel used. By using data, decisions in marketing activities can be substantiated because they are based on the facts from the data analysis.

Examples of data-driven marketing

In addition to collecting data from the website, it is possible to use data-driven marketing in even more ways. Some examples:


  • By conducting a survey, you can decide what you want to ask your (potential) customers and arrive at certain insights with it.

  • A/B testing is ideal for trying out two options. For example, consider an ad on Google. With two different versions, for example a different image, we can see which ad gets the most clicks and thus appeals the most.

  • Email marketing can be used in a variety of ways. You can send a general newsletter or use more targeted emails. Data is then collected such as the number of emails opened and the number of clicks on the chosen button. In addition to these three examples of data-driven marketing, there are many other options for collecting data for marketing.

Data monitors

At BTTR, we believe it is important to continuously monitor data. We do this with various tools. We periodically discuss the results with our clients. This way we can adjust certain marketing activities where necessary and the marketing channels are deployed optimally. Are the results disappointing or do you want to boost the results? Our strategists have the expertise to put a fresh spin on your business together with you.

Please contact us

Have you become excited and want to have your data-driven marketing executed by a specialized party? Then feel free to contact us.

This is what I want
+31 318 760 960