Microservices or Monolith: Which architecture should you choose?

  • Microservices
  • Modularity
  • Monolith
  • Scalability
  • Application Architecture

Microservices from Monolith?

When you are developing an application, choosing the right architecture is a crucial decision. One of the biggest decisions is whether to use a monolithic or a microservices architecture. Both have advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to make the right choice based on the requirements of your application.

Traditional monolithic architecture

A monolithic architecture is a traditional approach to application development, where all functionalities and services are built and function in a single system. This can be convenient for small applications, but can cause problems for larger and more complex systems. A monolithic architecture can lead to problems such as:

  • 01 Scalability issues

    Scaling a single system can be complex and cost-intensive.

  • 02 Lack of flexibility

    When changing functionalities of services, the entire system can be affected, creating risks and slowing down the development process.

  • 03 Risks in implementing new technologies

    Dependence on a single system can make it difficult to implement new technologies, leading to an outdated architecture.

Microservices architecture is an emerging trend

On the other hand, microservices architecture is an emerging trend in application development. In this approach, applications are broken down into smaller, independent services that work together to provide system functionality. This has the following advantages:

  • 01 Scalability

    Each service can scale independently, providing flexibility and efficiency.

  • 02 Modularity

    Independent services make it easier to change functionality or add new services without risk to the rest of the system.

  • 03 Use of new technologies

    Service independence makes it easier to implement new technologies, keeping the application up-to-date.

Do you choose microservices and monolith?

The choice between microservices and monolithic depends on the requirements of the application. For smaller applications, a monolithic architecture may be useful, but for more complex systems, a microservices architecture is often a better choice. The independence of services makes it developed to scale, integrate new features and implement new technologies.

In short, the choice between a monolithic or microservices architecture depends primarily on the size of the application. Whereas a monolithic architecture may be useful for smaller applications, a microservices architecture offers advantages in terms of scalability, modularity and the use of new technologies in larger applications.


Digital innovation for tomorrow's world


Thijs van Dijk


+31 318 760 960